Passover and Easter Greetings!

Wishing all our schools and colleges best wishes over Passover and Easter, and hoping we all get though this tricky time as well as we can. Here at Judaism for Schools we’re really missing the face-to-face contact with the many many schools we were due to visit but we’re using the time to plan ahead for when things get back to normal.

At Passover Jewish people relive the amazing story of the Exodus from Egypt, the transition from slavery to freedom. The Children of Israel were then destined to spend 40 long years wondering though the desert until they reached the Promised Land.

Meanwhile our Christian friends are still in the Lenten period, reflecting on Jesus’ time in the desert and the build-up to Good Friday .

Our Muslim friends have Ramadan approaching soon , which will be so challenging this year if many family members are self-isolating.

All our faiths have inbuilt periods of challenge and reflection, journeying from one spiritual state to another……perhaps this can give us some perspective on the Corona Crisis and faith that things will certainly improve…..

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